Related Sites: Tracking UFOs is now possible
"Passive" Radar
China, Russia, and several European and U.S. companies are
working on a new type of "passive" radar that could threaten stealth aircraft ( Source: ABC News )
Celldar, from "cellular" plus "radar.," has implications
that are exciting and troubling to some people who are interested in our privacy rights. ( Source: Business Week )
The National UFO Reporting Center
to the Collection and Dissemination of Objective UFO Data
Davenport, Director of the National UFO Reporting Center, reports about the potential use of "passive
radar" systems being developedc for surveilance of stealth jets, ground traffic and people. The cutting-edge
work threatens to make today's most advanced stealth planes obsolete Conventional radar sends out its own high-frequency
signal that a pilot can detect. The new passive radar listens to low-frequency radio waves that are already in the atmosphere,
from power sources such as transmitters used for television, FM radio and cell phones.