Creative Coaching Institute

Reseach Surveys

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CCI Reseach Surveys

The Creative Coaching Institute is in the process of interviewing thousands of people about their knowledge of and opinions about time, money and spirituality.  It all has to do with empowerment.

The  survey information will become a part of CCI's knowledge base and will appear in book format. You are invited to
contact us if you would like to share your opinions, beliefs, questions or expertise. Thank you for participating.
Survey One   
A Sense of Wellness or Peacefulness

o  What is the meaning of health?

o  What is peace, serenity?

o  How are time and money influencing our health?

o  Is there enough time for health care?

o  Is there enough money for health care?

o  What does wellness or fitness look like?

o  Are healthy people different from fit people?

o  How important is diet?

o  How important is exercise?

o  What is spiritual health?

o  How important is being loved?

o  Which people are the most loving?

o  What percentage of our population is healthy?

o  Which groups are the most peaceful?


Survey Two

Time-Money Continuum 

o  What is the meaning of wealth?

o  What motivates us to work?

o  What is the meaning of happiness?

o  How are time and money influencing our lives?

o  Is there enough time for everything?

o  Is there enough money for everything we want?

o  What does wealth look like?

o  Are earning achievers different from everyone else?

o  How important is time managment for our success?

o  What is monetary wealth?

o  What is spiritual wealth?

o  How important is formal education to obtaining wealth?

o  What percentage of our population are wealthy?

o  Which ancestry groups are the wealthiest?

Thank you
to all the folks who have participated in this survey!!!

It was started in late June, 2004 and since then we have received 128 survey responses. That's more than we expected!

Send your email survey opinions to "SURVEY" and be sure to copy the questions as you answer them.


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               Copyright  © 2005, Creative Coaching Institute, a nonprofit entity. All rights reserved by Chloe Joquel